(919) 238-7729   |   13220 Strickland Rd. Suite 166 Raleigh, NC, 27613
(919) 890-5147   |   3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612
3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612 (919) 890-5147

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Night Guards

Night Guards

Raleigh Night Guards

Protecting Your Smile While You Sleep

Raleigh, Durham, and Cary are busy places.

Life is stressful. Don’t let life’s stresses damage your teeth!

Stress can cause you to clench and/or grind your teeth which is called bruxism. Bruxism is most damaging to your teeth and dental work, mainly at night when you sleep.

There are also other causes in addition to stress which may contribute to sleep time clenching (bruxism). The other causes include misalignment of teeth. Misalignment of teeth can create an oral environment where your body is under constant stress while trying to get back into an anatomically correct jaw joint (TMJ) and muscle position. A lot of times misalignment may impair the body’s ability to achieve a comfortable jaw joint (TMJ) and muscle position causing reflexive clenching and grinding which may be damaging to teeth and the supporting structures.

Another cause of clenching and grinding (bruxism) may be due to airway issues. If your body is not getting an appropriate amount of oxygen when sleeping your body may be trying to open its airway and the teeth get in the way causing damage.

Also, a significant portion of the population loses their ability to tell that their teeth are together at night when they sleep, which can cause significant damage to your teeth.

Some of the damage that Raleigh cosmetic dentist Dr. Justin Russo sees is vertical fracturing, missing fillings, leaking fillings due to stress placed on them, damaged crowns, and crowns that are shattered and ripped off the teeth from this damaging largely treatable habit.

Protect Your Teeth at Night

How can you be sure that you are doing all you can to protect your teeth? You got it, you can protect your teeth from clenching and/or grinding with a custom-fitted night guard, the Occlusal guard.

What is a Night Guard?

A night guard can help protect your teeth from the habit of clenching and grinding. Teeth grinding can lead to shorter teeth, jaw, and neck pain and can exacerbate migraine headaches. A custom night guard worn at night while sleeping prevents you from unconsciously grinding your teeth which is when Raleigh dentist Dr. Justin Russo believes that it is most damaging. To create a night guard, Raleigh dentist Dr. Justin Russo will take a digital scan of your mouth to produce a guard that is custom-fitted to your mouth and teeth. Dr. Russo can fabricate this guard for you (totally pain-free) to help protect your valuable smile from further wear and tear, preventing the need for aesthetic porcelain crowns, root canals, and/or extractions. Dr. Russo can show you how a properly fitted custom night guard can also help relieve jaw pain, muscle spasms, and TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) discomfort.

How Can I Pay?

Custom-made night guards are not always covered by dental insurance. To help reduce the out-of-pocket expenses associated with oral surgery, we offer two in-house dental membership plans and financing through Care Credit and Lending Club. Our friendly and highly-trained staff will be able to assist you with selecting the best plan for your dental needs.