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Don’t Ignore It: What To Know About Bruxism

How To Protect Yourself From Long-Term Damages

Discover the Damage from Teeth Grinding and Take Action

Get the Facts and Find Relief Today!

Have you ever noticed yourself clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth without even noticing it? If so, you may be living with Bruxism, a common problem affecting millions of Americans. Unfortunately, many who suffer may not consider it a significant problem until the issue becomes advanced and painful. However, they may also not fully consider the long-term effects of grinding on their teeth. From wear and tear on teeth’ enamel to cracked and chipped surfaces, Bruxism can compromise your smile in ways many of us never realize. In this blog post, we’ll explain what Bruxism is and how it affects oral health in the short and long term!

What Is Bruxism

 And How Common Is It?

Bruxism is a common condition affecting many individuals, both children and adults. It is projected that around 13% of adults suffer from Bruxism. Despite its prevalence, Bruxism surprisingly goes undiagnosed and untreated a great deal of the time, meaning that many people suffer in silence. As a result, many people are unaware that they have the condition until symptoms arise. Fortunately, various treatment options are available to alleviate the discomfort caused by Bruxism.

If you suspect that you may have Bruxism, it is important to speak with your dentist about potential treatments and options to manage this condition. Left untreated, Bruxism can cause severe dental damage, including the wearing down of teeth or tooth fractures. With the help of a team of trained dental professionals, if you are suffering from Bruxism, you don’t need to do so in silence any longer. We have some information and solutions for you whenever you are ready. If you are ready to get started, our team is here and ready to assist you.

The Physical Effects Of Teeth Grinding

Headaches, Jaw Pain, And Muscle Tension

The physical effects of teeth grinding can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. One of the most painful effects includes damage to the teeth, including cracks in the tooth enamel and even permanent tooth loss. Grinding can also encumber the jaw muscles and joints, leading to headaches, earaches, and jaw pain. In severe cases, Bruxism has been linked to joint disorders like temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), a condition of the jaw muscle and joint that can also cause pain in its advanced forms. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help combat teeth grinding, like night guards and stress management techniques. By seeking treatment early on, those suffering from Bruxism can mitigate the physical effects and prevent further damage to their teeth and overall health.

The Psychological Impact Of Bruxism

Stress, Anxiety, And Decreased Self-Esteem

While teeth grinding may most directly affect your oral health, teeth grinding can cause more than just dental problems. It can also have psychological effects. Recent studies have indicated a connection between Bruxism and depression. This makes sense, as grinding your teeth is often a subconscious response to a stressful event. Whether you do it when you’re awake or asleep, the mental effects of Bruxism can be serious.

The Long-Term Dental Consequences Of Bruxism

Wearing Down Of Teeth Enamel And Potential Damage To The Jaw Joint

Over time, the excessive clenching and grinding of teeth can result in worn-down enamel, tooth sensitivity, and even fractures or cracks in teeth. Fortunately, residents of Raleigh, NC, who suffer from Bruxism have access to adequate dental treatments to mitigate these consequences, such as custom-made mouthguards and dental restorations. It is essential to address Bruxism early on to prevent further damage to one’s dental health and ultimately achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile.

Treatment Options For Bruxism

From Dental Visits To Lifestyle Modifications

If you are living in Raleigh, NC, and struggling with bruxism (teeth grinding), you may be experiencing pain and frustration. Don’t worry, there are treatment options available to manage this condition and improve your oral health.

Visiting a dentist can be beneficial for those who have jaw pain. The dentist may recommend muscle relaxation techniques or create a personalized mouthguard to ease the symptoms. Depending on how serious the condition is, they may also offer treatments like splints or other personalized devices. Using these can help reduce the symptoms of Bruxism and prevent any further damage to your teeth. Seeking professional treatment is crucial to alleviate current symptoms and prevent future damage to your teeth and jaw joints. By following the right treatment plan, individuals can restore comfort, improve their sleep, and maintain good dental health.

In addition, lifestyle modifications such as reducing stress and avoiding alcohol or caffeine before bedtime may also help prevent teeth grinding. By taking steps to address Bruxism, individuals can improve their oral health and enjoy a more comfortable, restful night’s sleep. Practicing good sleep hygiene and establishing a regular sleep schedule can also reduce the prevalence of Bruxism. Incorporating these lifestyle treatments into one’s daily routine can ultimately lead to a better overall quality of life for those suffering from Bruxism.

Preventing Bruxism In Adults And Children

 Stopping It Before It Starts

Preventing Bruxism may require making changes in your life to decrease stress and anxiety in your daily life. Relaxation routines like deep breathing or meditation can be helpful. Moreover, avoiding caffeinated drinks and alcohol before bedtime can reduce Bruxism while sleeping. Additionally, regular dental check-ups can identify Bruxism early and prevent further damages to the teeth themselves. The key, whether child or adult, is to treat the symptoms and the root cause to avoid future flare ups. This may require the work of dental professionals, specialists, or simply just at-home situational adjustments.


How We Can Help

Bruxism is a fairly common habit among both adults and children, which can have both physical and psychological effects. It can take a toll on dental health over time, causing various problems like worn-down teeth. Thankfully, you can reduce or even completely stop your teeth-grinding habit with the right treatment plan. This could involve lifestyle adjustments like avoiding caffeine, wearing a night guard, or using guided breathing techniques. Most importantly, try to take note of any tension in your jaw or facial muscles so that you can avoid clenching and grinding altogether. 

Our team here at Russo Dentistry is equipped to help you deal with your Bruxism. By taking the necessary steps to prevent it and immediately treating it when it does occur, you will be able to significantly reduce the potential consequences of Bruxism for both your oral hygiene and overall well-being. Work with only the best in the business when you work with us.