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(919) 890-5147   |   3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612
3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612 (919) 890-5147

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Spring Cleaning for Your Smile

After another long winter, spring is finally here! Spring always feels like the right time for a fresh start. While you’re doing your spring cleaning, why not think about tidying up your oral care routine? Even if you have a good at-home care regimen, there’s always room for improvement. Here are four great ways that you can spring clean your oral health.

  1. Make Sure Everything’s Up to Date: This might seem simple, but have you replaced your toothbrush lately? According to the ADA, it’s important to replace your old toothbrush with a fresh one every three months, and potentially more often if the bristles are frayed (or if you’ve been sick). Toothbrushes that are past their prime don’t clean your teeth as well, and they can also hold on to bacteria and germs that may make you ill. While you’re at it, throw away any mouthwash or toothpaste that is past its expiration date.
  2. Rethink Your Routine: There’s no time like the present to take stock of your at-home oral care routine to see if there’s anything you could – or should – be doing differently. Maybe you’re vigilant about brushing twice a day, but you’re lax on flossing. Perhaps certain products you use aren’t giving you the results you’re looking for. This is a great opportunity to commit yourself to new healthy habits and try out different products. Our health and our bodies never stop evolving, and our mouths are no different!
  3. Give It a Good Scrub: Putting your fresh new toothbrush in a dirty toothbrush holder isn’t going to help you keep your mouth clean. While you’re spring cleaning your bathroom, take a minute to clean anything you use in your oral care routine, like toothbrush holders, electric toothbrush handles, and water flossers. Use warm, soapy water or another mild cleanser to remove gunk, dried toothpaste, and germs. If you use a water flosser, run a cycle with a warm water and vinegar solution through the unit, then soak the flosser itself in a hydrogen peroxide and warm water solution. For night guards, soak your guard in hydrogen peroxide for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Schedule a Regular Cleaning: We can’t forget about your teeth! If you’re due for your next regular dental exam, or if you’re behind on your visits, make an appointment to have your teeth cleaned. It can be easy to put cleanings on the back burner if you’re busy or if you’re not experiencing any oral health problems, and it’s been especially hard to keep up with regular visits over the last two years. Coming in for a cleaning will not only keep your teeth in great shape; it also gives you time to ask questions about your oral health and allows us to catch problems before they get serious.

Russo Dentistry is Raleigh’s premier modern dental practice, and we’re here to give you all the tools you’ll need to keep your teeth healthy this spring – and all year round! Give us a call today to schedule an appointment and start the new season with healthy, clean teeth.