(919) 238-7729   |   13220 Strickland Rd. Suite 166 Raleigh, NC, 27613
(919) 890-5147   |   3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612
3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612 (919) 890-5147

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Category: Anti-Aging Dentistry

Early Warning Signs of Tooth Decay

As a modern dental office, we could never reiterate enough how important regular dental visits are to your oral health (seriously, regular visits to your dentist are imperative to healthy teeth!) But between visits, there are some signs you should look for that may indicate more immediate care is needed. Learning to recognize these signs… Read More

How to keep your teeth for a lifetime

What defines a great smile? Public opinion may vary but cosmetic dentists define great smiles as a healthy balance between white teeth and light pink gums. You can think of a healthy smile as a visible snapshot into the overall health and well being of an individual. So, if we know that first impressions matter,… Read More

Say NO to temporary crowns!

What comes to mind when you hear the words temporary crown? I’d like to think I was wrong, but I assume anxiety immediately starts to set in.  Visions of relatives and friends with that dark gum line begin to surface. You remember the stories of people on vacation who had a temporary crown that kept… Read More

Facial Enhancement: Before or After?

I often get asked, “what facial enhancement should I do first?”. More specifically, should I get BOTOX®, Juviderm or Resatylane before or after I correct my smile? In almost all cases, I tell my patients to focus on their smile correction first; and then augment their smile with dermatologic and facial enhancements. The reason? When… Read More

Anti-Aging Dentistry

Justin Russo, DDS It’s a common question: “why should I bother keeping that back tooth if no one sees it?” Let’s think about this – have you ever seen someone out at a restaurant and their cheeks appear to be sagging? They’re probably missing some of their back teeth. Your teeth not only give you… Read More