(919) 238-7729   |   13220 Strickland Rd. Suite 166 Raleigh, NC, 27613
(919) 890-5147   |   3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612
3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612 (919) 890-5147

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Try before you buy

Have you envisioned a new smile for yourself? Maybe a smile that’s brighter or whiter? Maybe it’s a smile with less flaws and more movie-star-like perfection like those you follow on Instagram?

At some point you’ve likely thought about a better smile, but have you ever been able to actually visualize what that smile would look like for yourself? Have you been able to truly envision the difference that smile could make?

For those that have struggled with a confident smile — whether that’s because of unwanted spacing, cracks or general damage over the years — actually envisioning something different can be a real challenge. Those imperfections make it difficult, almost impossible, to visualize what a new smile might look like. But not any longer!

Making the impossible entirely possible

We have the solution that will allow you to reimagine your smile — a smile that gives you the picture-perfect look you’ve always desired, but likely never thought was actually achievable. We call it test driving your smile because that’s exactly what our technology allows you to do. By combining facial photography with digital X-rays, we create individually-designed temporaries for you to try on for yourself.

It’s not a picture; it’s the real thing. And it’s designed specifically with you in mind. That means the design you receive takes into account the unique features of your face and your teeth. The result ensures that your arch is perfectly aligned; the length of your teeth fit your personal desires; and the actual tooth proportions meet your expectations. It’s a smile made for you and no one else.

A smile you can see without spending thousands

Cosmetic procedures cost too much money to not have total confidence on what the end result will be. It’s easy for me to see your smile and picture the transformation. But that’s because I’m a cosmetic dentist and I’ve performed thousands of smile makeovers over the years.

I can look beyond the flaws and see the beauty that is possible with cosmetic enhancements. But the reality is, that individuals have a hard time to picturing the transformation for themselves. It’s why we try on clothes before we purchase; why we test drive vehicles before we buy; and why we view a three-dimensional rendering before we build. That’s the same concept and approach we take to cosmetic dentistry. We believe you deserve to see the end result before committing to what will be implanted in your mouth.

If you are considering cosmetic enhancements, it’s time for us to talk. Test driving your smile is the best place to begin envisioning the youthful, bright smile you deserve.

Eliminate the procedure and the expensive financial commitment, and give yourself a moment to imagine what a smile transformation would look like for you.

Ready to scheduled your appointment? Contact us or schedule a virtual consultation. We encourage you to check out our smile gallery!