(919) 238-7729   |   13220 Strickland Rd. Suite 166 Raleigh, NC, 27613
(919) 890-5147   |   3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612
3811 Ed Drive, Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27612 (919) 890-5147

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Category: Uncategorized

Three Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Russo Dentistry is proud to help our patients in Raleigh, Cary, and the surrounding areas maintain healthy, beautiful smiles. Our friendly, experienced team is passionate about helping you take a proactive approach to your oral health. Regular dental checkups will keep your smile healthy for years to come. In addition to twice-daily brushing and flossing,… Read More

Make Your Smile Sparkle with Zoom Tooth Whitening

Everybody wants brighter, whiter teeth! Even people who take excellent care of their oral hygiene will experience a loss in tooth brightness over time. Your morning coffee or tea, acidic foods, and medications can all make your teeth darker than you’d like. Dental trauma beneath the enamel can also lead to a lack of brightness,… Read More

How a Specialized Endodontist Can Optimize Your Root Canal Therapy

If you know you need a root canal, your first feelings might be fear, dread, or anxiety. From there, your first thought is likely, “how can I get this over with as quickly and easily as possible?” Depending on where you normally receive oral health treatment, that question may be difficult or impossible to answer… Read More

Tooth Fillings Care 101

Whether you’ve just had cavities filled or underwent a full root canal procedure, it’s important to understand how your general oral care needs may have changed. After all, teeth restoration involves implementing an additional type of material and, while this is integral in prolonging the life of your tooth, it certainly isn’t just like adding… Read More

Quick Ways to Improve Your Smile for Life

Dr. Russo is always saying there are no quick fixes in general dentistry. A quick, cheap filling or root canal procedure almost always leads to additional problems later on—becoming a money and time drain as well as painful to correct. When it comes to minor cosmetic procedures, however, Russo Dentistry offers multiple smile improvement options… Read More

The Case for Tooth-Colored, Composite Fillings

Aesthetically, choosing a tooth-colored filling for cavities or damaged teeth makes sense. This option is perfectly molded, colored, and adhered to your tooth for the most natural look available. For many, this is reason enough! But beyond the look and feel advantages of tooth-colored, composite fillings, there are many reasons to avoid the metal alternative. … Read More

5 Reasons 2021 is the Right Time to Achieve Your Best Smile Ever

5 Reasons 2021 is the Right Time to Achieve Your Best Smile Ever Planning for the New Year often means resolving to make lasting changes that will improve your daily life. You’ll focus on ways to improve your health, finances, and outlook—so why not try something just for you that potentially ticks all those boxes… Read More

5 Ways to Refresh Your Dental Care Routine

The new year is always an excellent time to set the foundations for lasting change. Specifically, regarding your personal healthcare routine, 2021 may be the ideal setting for major improvement. This past year, many of us experienced significant daily routine interruptions—sometimes in the form of overly regimented at-home schedules! To keep it all together, we… Read More

Don’t Put it Off! Why It’s Never Worth It to Skip Regular Dentist Visits

Thinking of putting off your next dental checkup? Maybe you’re extra busy, just moved to a new place or changed your information, or simply forgot. You may have even assumed you don’t need to go to the dentist unless you’re experiencing discomfort—or maybe you are experiencing discomfort and are too anxious to find out why!… Read More

Endodontics FAQ’s: The Truth About Root Canals

“Root canal” might be one of the most feared combination of words in all of dental care, but is it as scary as it sounds? The short answer: no! When performed by a skilled, experienced Endodontist, a root canal can be quick and virtually painless—and save you a lot of pain down the line, too!… Read More